[Math] How to say the derivative is exact if the difference quotient has a domain restriction

calculusderivativeslimitsreal-analysistangent line

I think I've finally been able to voice my confusion when it comes to derivatives and limits.

Let's first look at the difference quotient for a function $f(x)=x^2$

$$\lim_{h\to0} \frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}$$

This becomes:


Which simplifies to:


However, when we cancel the $h$, we get:

$$\lim_{h\to0}2x+h\\ h≠0$$

But then how are we able to say that the slope at a point (let's say $x_0 = 4$) is EXACTLY $8$ rather than saying it's approaching $8$? Saying that it is exactly $8$ means that $h=0$ which violates the domain restriction on $h$.

Therefore, it makes more sense to me to take the nonstandard analysis approach with the derivative being $2x+\epsilon$ where $\epsilon$ is some infinitesimally small quantity. $h$ can be arbitrarily small, yes, because of epsilon-delta, but still can never be zero. So can you please explain why we are able to say that the slope is exact?

Best Answer

After reading some comments by OP to the other answer, I think that I need to expand my comment (to OP's question) into a full answer.

The fundamental issue here is that OP thinks $\lim_{x \to a}f(x)$ to be on the same level as $f(a)$. But this is not the right approach. In fact the limit may exist (and often does) even when $f(a)$ is not defined.

OP reasons that $\lim_{h \to 0}(2x + h)$ only approaches $8$ and is not exactly $8$ when $x = 4$. I think a crudely correct statement nearest in meaning to the last sentence is this:

Exression $2x + h$ approaches $8$ and is not exactly $8$ when $x = 4$ and $h$ approaches $0$. On the other hand the expression $\lim_{h \to 0}(2x + h)$ is a number which is dependent on $x$ so that it is $8$ when $x = 4$ but it is something totally independent of $h$.

It is important to understand that $L = \lim_{x \to a}f(x)$ is something totally independent of $x$ and instead dependent on $a$ and $f$ (this part is not that difficult to believe) but at the same time time it is also totally independent of $f(a)$ (this is very hard to accept for beginners, in fact $f(a)$ may or may not be defined). The dependence of $L$ on $a$ and $f$ is related to values of $f$ at points near $a$ and the dependence is defined using the usual technical definition of limit involving $\epsilon, \delta$.

The issue with slope of tangent is that many beginners think that there is a definition of tangent to a curve at a point which uses ideas fundamentally different from the concept of derivative. This is another deep misconception and probably it stems from the fact that before calculus the only curve-tangent stuff is the "tangent to a circle" which has a definition not dependent on derivative. A tangent to a circle at point $P$ can be defined as a line passing through $P$ and perpendicular to the radius passing through $P$ (it can also be defined as a line which intersects the circle at only one point and that point is $P$). For curves other than circle such a definition is not available.

Even in the case of circle the definition based on geometry matches with the definition based on derivative. For a general curve the slope of tangent to a curve is defined by the derivative of an appropriate function and hence by definition the derivative equals the slope of tangent.

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