[Math] How to rotate function around x axis


The problem is:

Revolve the function around the $x-$axis, then find the volume enclosed by the $3D$ shape from $x_1=0$ to $x_2=16$.

The following formula may be used to determine the volume of the solid:

$$\displaystyle V=\int_{x_1}^{x_2} \pi[f(x)]^2dx$$

The function is as follows:

$$f(x)= \dfrac{6.4}{x+12} \sin\left(\dfrac{2~\pi}{6.5}x\right)+3$$

My question is:

a) What would the resulting function be?

And more importantly,

b) How would I convert this into a $3D$ function, that is, incorporate $z$ so it can be graphed in $3D$?


Best Answer

Your equation for the volume is correct. However, actually plotting the volume is somewhat more complicated. Specifically, in 3D space you need a matrix of terms for each of $x, y$, and $z$. This is most easily visualized in a vertical arrangement, with rotation about the $z$-axis. So imagine the line $r=f(z)$. Then take a vector $\theta\in[0,2\pi]$ with however many points you wish and for each value of $z$ find $X=r\cos\theta$, $Y=r\sin\theta$. These are matrices of the size of $r$ by the size of $\theta$. The $Z$ matrix is just a uniformly spaced matrix for all the $z$ and $\theta$ values. Many computer languages have such functions built in. I used Matlab's cylinder function to create the figure below.

EDIT: At the request of the OP, I am adding the Matlab code. Note that function cylinder is a Matlab built-in function described here.



axis equal
shading flat

3D volume for $f(x)$