[Math] How to Rotate Creations in Graphing Calculator


I'm only a seventh grader, so this question might seem a little easy, and my vocabulary isn't the best either.

I using Desmos and my graph is here.

Basically, I have two spiral looking shapes across from each other. I want to have the same shape, but instead of the spiral facing the y axis, I want it to face the x axis. Basically, I want to make my creation four-sided.

Best Answer

It seems that A---B might have forgotten about this question, but as someone who used to play with graphing calculators as well around your age, I admire your enthusiasm and would be happy to pick up where they left off!

I don't want to confuse you with exactly why the following is true, but I'll be happy to explain more if you'd like, and as you continue learning more mathematics, you'll understand it soon enough.

Simply put, to rotate any graph in the $xy$-plane by an angle $\phi$, make the following substitutions: $$\begin{align} x &\mapsto x\cos\phi-y\sin\phi \\ y &\mapsto x\sin\phi+y\cos\phi \end{align}$$

As for what this would look like in practice, say you wanted to rotate the graph of $y=x^2$ by $45^{\circ}$. To graph both the original parabola and the rotated parabola, you would enter the following into Desmos: $$\begin{align} y&=x^2 \\ x\sin\left(\frac{\pi}{4}\right)+y\cos\left(\frac{\pi}{4}\right)&=\left(x\cos\left(\frac{\pi}{4}\right)-y\sin\left(\frac{\pi}{4}\right)\right)^2 \end{align}$$

I've converted the angle $45^{\circ}$ into radians here, because that's just the way Desmos wants it; are you familiar with radians?

Anyway, lo and behold, we end up with the following graph:

enter image description here

For even more fun with rotating graphs, you can just leave $\phi$ (phi) in the equation, add a slider for it when prompted, and drag it around to watch what happens!

enter image description here