Linear Algebra – How to Quickly Check if Vectors are an Orthonormal Basis

linear algebraorthogonalityvector-spaces

Let's say we got $3$ vectors given and we need to check if they are an orthonormal basis of some vector space. How would that be done quickly? I have read on several sites on the Internet and here is my summary, correct me if I'm wrong please:

  1. All vectors need to be linearly independent.
  2. Vectors are perpendicular aka orthogonal to each other (if $3$ vectors given, I have to do it as pairs of $2$, right?).
  3. Each vector has length $1$.

Best Answer

If you are using a computing environment where matrix operations are fast, you can check that

$$A^T \cdot A = I$$

where $A$ is a matrix of your basis of column-vectors vectors: $(i_1|i_2|i_3)$.

Note that according to matrix multiplication semantics, each element in the result matrix corresponds to the dot-product of a pair of basis vectors. Hence it exactly matches the definition of orthonormality: the dot-product $<i_j,i_k>$ is 1 on the diagonal (when $j = k$) and 0 elsewhere (when $j \ne k$).