[Math] How to prove this group is closed under multiplication


Let G be a group and let $H \leq G$ and N $\leq G$ be subgroups of $G$ with $N$ being a normal subgroup.

I have to show that the set $HN = \{ hk$ : $h\in H$, $k\in N \}$ is a subgroup of $G$. I found the identity and the inverse elements for any $hk \in HN$, but I'm having trouble showing that $HN$ is closed under multiplication.

Best Answer

Since $N\lhd G$, $gN=Ng$ for all $g\in G$
Let $ab,hk\in HN$. Here note that $a,h\in H$ and $b,k\in N$.
Then $(ab)(hk)=a(bh)k$
Note that $Nh=hN$, so $bh=hc$ for some $c\in N$.
Thus $a(bh)k=a(hc)k=(ah)(ck)$ where $ah\in H$ and $ck\in N$.