[Math] How to prove the closure of Commutator Subgroup


I know that a commutator subgroup $C$ of a group $G$ is defined as $C=\{aba^{-1}b^{-1}|a,b\in G\}$. When I reading the textbook, it always state that $C$ is a subgroup of $G$ and only prove if it is normal.

To prove a set is a group, we need to prove is it closure, associative, have an identity element and has inverse, but when I check my textbook on how to prove $C$ is a group, it only shows identity element and inverse, although associative is too obvious, but as the closure I cannot find a way to prove that.

The question is, how to prove that $aba^{-1}b^{-1}hkh^{-1}k^{-1}\in C$ for all $a,b,h,k\in G$?

Best Answer

In general, the set of commutators does not equal the commutator subgroup, as pointed out above by several remarks. See also this paper of Kappe and Morse, where criteria are discussed for equality.

I. D. MacDonald provides counterexamples in [I. D. MacDonald, Commutators and Their Products, The American Mathematical Monthly Vol. 93, No. 6 (1986), pp. 440-444]. In particular, he proves by a simple counting argument the following theorem.

If $G$ is a finite group and $|G:Z(G)|^2<|G'|$, then $G'$ has elements which are not commutators.

Finally see also this StackExchange entry, which mentions another interesting paper of Marty Isaacs (also behind Jstor) with more counterexamples.