[Math] How to prove that this is orthogonal

linear algebra

Let $U = $ ${\vec{u_1}…\vec{u}_n} $ and $V = $ ${\vec{v_1}…\vec{v}_n} $ be two orthonormal bases fo $R^n$. Prove that the change-of-basis matrix $S$ from U to V is orthogonal.

I know that something is orthogonal is its dot-product is zero. Therefore, by definition, if we have U, and V which are orthonormal bases, then all of their vectors are orthogonal to each other, by definition. But I'm not sure if this would be a sufficient proof, or even be a proof, at all.

Best Answer

Let $P$ the change matrix from $V$ to $U$ i.e. we have

$$Pu_i=v_i,\;\forall i$$ We have

$$\delta_{i,j}=\langle Pu_i,Pu_j\rangle=(Pu_i)^T(Pu_j)=u_i^T(P^TP)u_j,\;\forall i,j$$ so we get
