Abstract Algebra – Proving $\mathbb{Q}[\sqrt{p_1}, \sqrt{p_2}, \ldots,\sqrt{p_n} ] = \mathbb{Q}[\sqrt{p_1}+ \sqrt{p_2}+\cdots + \sqrt{p_n}]$ for Primes $p_i$


This is Exercise 18.14 from Algebra, Isaacs.

$p_{1}\ ,\ p_{2}\ ,\ … p_{n}$ are different prime numbers. How to show that $$\mathbb{Q}[\sqrt{p_{1}}, \sqrt{p_{2}}, \ldots, \sqrt{p_{n}} ] = \mathbb{Q}[\sqrt{p_{1}}+ \sqrt{p_{2}}+\cdots + \sqrt{p_{n}}] \quad ?$$ First we can note that the Galois group of the first extension over $\mathbb{Q}$ ( which I call $E$ ) is elementary abelian of order $2^{n}$, so we can prove that the orbit of $\sqrt{p_{1}}+\sqrt{p_{2}}+ … + \sqrt{p_{n}}$ under $\operatorname{Gal}(E/\mathbb{Q})$ contains $2^{n}$ elements, but how to do so?

Best Answer

OK, in view of what is written above, I will write down what I had in mind more carefully. Let us take the positive choice of $\sqrt{p_i}$ in each case, so clearly the sum (and each non-empty subsum) of the square roots is non-zero. Let $E$ be as stated in the question, the Galois group of the left-hand extension. The extension is certainly a Galois extension of $\mathbb{Q}.$ Let $\alpha$ be an element of $E$. Then $\alpha(\sqrt{p_i}) = \pm \sqrt{p_i}$ for each $i.$ Let $I$ be the subset of $\{i: 1 \leq i \leq n \}$ such that $\alpha$ fixes $\sqrt{p_i}$ for each $i \in I$, but no other $i.$ Let $s = \sum_{i=1}^{n} \sqrt{p_i}$. Then $s- \alpha(s) = 2\sum_{i \not \in I} \sqrt{p_i},$ which is strictly positive unless $\alpha$ is trivial. Since $E$ is elementary Abelian (I do not think we need to know that it has order $2^n$), we know that every intermediate extension is a Galois extension. Hence $s$ lies in no intermediate extension, and must generate the whole of the left-hand extension.

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