[Math] How to prove that every basis of a finite-dimensional vector space is finite

linear algebravector-spaces

I noticed that the definition of the dimension of a finite-dimensional vector space relies on the fact:

If a vector space V has a finite basis, then every basis of V is finite.

Can someone tell me how to prove it? Thanks.

Best Answer

Hint Let $B=\{ b_1,.., b_n \}$ be a fixed finite basis.

We can prove something stronger:

Lemma If a set has at least $n+1$ elements, it is linearly dependent.

Proof: Let $v_1,..,v_{n+1} \in S$. Write $$v_i=\sum_{j=1}^n c_{ij}b_j$$

Then, replacing each $v_i$ by the above expression,
$$x_1v_1+...+x_{n+1}v_{n+1} =0$$ leads to an homogeneous system of $n$ equations with $n+1$ unknowns (the coefficient matrix being exactly $C^T$). This homogeneous system has more unknowns that variables, and hence as non-trivial solution.

This proves the linear dependence.

Corollary Any other basis has exactly $n$ elements.

Proof: If $B'$ is any other basis, by Lemma $B'$ has at most $n$ elements. Interchanging $B$ and $B'$ you get also that $B'$ has at least $n$ elements.