[Math] How to prove that a set exists in ZFC


This is probably something really trivial, but I don't have any helpful set theory books (nor any library where I could borrow them for that matter) and googling such things as "proving a set exists in ZFC" doesn't give me any helpful links.

At first I thought that checking if a set I constructed doesn't contradict any axioms would be enough, but it would be really tiresome to check them all for any set I build and I have been wondering if there is any simpler method than this.

Besides, I'm not even sure if it would be a correct technique considering that although the empty set doesn't contradict any axiom, people still needed to axiomatise its existence (I know that technically it can be deduced from other axioms, but many list it as an axiom). If not contradicting axioms is not yet a proof of existence, then what is?

EDIT: I see a lot of people thinking that I need a proof of existence of at least one set, i.e. that our universe of discourse is not empty. If the original post wasn't clear enoguh, my question is: "I have constructed a set, e.g. ${\{{\{v_0}\},{\{v_0,v_1}\}}\}$. How to prove that it exists? Just checking the axioms doesn't seem to be enough, since the axioms of existence and infinity explicitly say that the sets they describe exist, and if not contradicting axioms would be enough to justify a set's existence, then we could simply build the sets described by these axioms, see that they don't contradict anything and there would be no need to list these two axioms"

Best Answer

With your edit, it is now clearer what you're asking -- but on the other hand you're now asking an extremely broad question that is basically the same as, "How do I prove anything in ZFC?"

Each and every axiom of ZFC -- with the exception of Extensionality and Regularity -- is there to claim that a set with certain properties exists. In order to prove that a set with whatever properties you're interested in exists, you combine those axioms into an argument and ends up with your desired conclusion. This can take ingenuity! There's no one-size-fits-all process that will allow you to go from a description of your desired set to a proof that exists without having to think and be clever along the way.

I have constructed a set, e.g. $\{\{v_0\},\{v_0,v_1\}\}$. How to prove that it exists?

This is still a bit of a strange question, because usually saying that you have "constructed" something is exactly the same as saying that you have found a combination of the set existence axioms that lead to the conclusion that it exists. Speaking about "constructing" things is a more vivid way of saying it, but what you actually do is no different from putting together an existence proof.

To be concrete, if we assume that you already have $v_0$ and $v_1$:

  • Apply the Axiom of Pairing to $v_0$ and $v_0$ itself. This tells you that there exists a set whose members are exactly every $y$ that equals $v_0$ or equals $v_0$. By convention, this is the set we notate $\{v_0\}$ -- so the axiom says it exists!

  • Apply the Axiom of Pairing again, now to $v_0$ and $v_1$. It tells you that there exists a set whose members are exactly $v_0$ and $v_1$. In other words the notation $\{v_0,v_1\}$ describes something that exists.

  • Apply the Axiom of Pairing a third time, now to the sets $\{v_0\}$ and $\{v_0,v_1\}$ that we constructed just previously. Again, you conclude that a set whose members are precisely $\{v_0\}$ and $\{v_0,v_1\}$ exists. Which was what we set out to prove.

(To moderate the above claim a bit, for the nitpickers: Sometimes to "construct" something is taken to mean proving that it exists using a particularly restricted set of tools, i.e. no use of the Axiom of Choice and no use of the logical Law of the Excluded Middle. However, it is more common to use the adjective "constructive" for this restricted meaning, and still let the verb "construct" be used for every straightforward direct existence proof).