Logic – How to Prove That a Function Is Well Defined


How do you in general prove that a function is well-defined?

$$f:X\to Y:x\mapsto f(x)$$

I learned that I need to prove that every point has exactly one image. Does that mean that I need to prove the following two things:

  1. Every element in the domain maps to an element in the codomain:
    $$x\in X \implies f(x)\in Y$$
  2. The same element in the domain maps to the same element in the codomain:
    $$x=y\implies f(x)=f(y)$$

At the moment I'm trying to prove this function is well-defined: $$f:(\Bbb Z/12\mathbb Z)^∗→(\Bbb Z/4\Bbb Z)^∗:[x]_{12}↦[x]_4 ,$$ but I'm more interested in the general procedure.

Best Answer

When we write $f\colon X\to Y$ we say three things:

  1. $f\subseteq X\times Y$.
  2. The domain of $f$ is $X$.
  3. Whenever $\langle x,y_1\rangle,\langle x,y_2\rangle\in f$ then $y_1=y_2$. In this case whenever $\langle x,y\rangle\in f$ we denote $y$ by $f(x)$.

So to say that something is well-defined is to say that all three things are true. If we know some of these we only need to verify the rest, for example if we know that $f$ has the third property (so it is a function) we need to verify its domain is $X$ and the range is a subset of $Y$. If we know those things we need to verify the third condition.

But, and that's important, if we do not know that $f$ satisfies the third condition we cannot write $f(x)$ because that term assumes that there is a unique definition for that element of $Y$.

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