Matrices – How to Prove 3×3 Magic Square Must Have 5 in Middle Cell

magic squarematrices

A Magic Square of order $n$ is an arrangement of $n^2$ numbers, usually distinct integers, in a square, such that the $n$ numbers in all rows, all columns, and both diagonals sum to the same constant.

a 3x3 magic square

How to prove that a normal $3\times 3$ magic square must have $5$ in its middle cell?

I have tried taking $a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i$ and solving equations to calculate $e$ but there are so many equations that I could not manage to solve them.

Best Answer

The row, column, diagonal sum must be $15$, e.g. because three disjoint rows must add up to $1+\ldots +9=45$. The sum of all four lines through the middle is therefore $60$ and is also $1+\ldots +9=45$ plus three times the middle number.