How to Prove $53^{103}+ 103^{53}$ is Divisible by 39

elementary-number-theorymodular arithmetic

This is a problem in my number theory textbook. It is based on modular arithmetic but im not getting how to start off to prove this. Please give me some hints on how to solve it.

Best Answer

As $39=13\cdot3$

For non-negative integers $m,n$

$\displaystyle53\equiv1\pmod{13}\implies53^n\equiv1$ and $\displaystyle103\equiv-1\pmod{13}\implies103^{53}\equiv(-1)^{53}$


and $\displaystyle53\equiv-1\pmod3\implies53^{103}\equiv(-1)^{103}$ and $\displaystyle103\equiv1\pmod3\implies103^m\equiv1$


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