Linear Algebra – How to Prove Polynomials with Degree n Do Not Form a Vector Space?

field-theorylinear algebrapolynomialsvector-spacesvectors

This is one of my linear algebra problems:

Prove that polynomials of degree $n$ does not (The professor made these words bold intentionally) form a vector space.

From what I read, the set of polynomials of degree $n$ should be a vector space, because:

  1. There is an "One" and a "Zero" in this set;
  2. We can find inverse for addition and multiplication from this set;
  3. It follows all the axioms of addition.
  4. It follows all the axioms of scalar multiplication.

Then can someone give me some hints to prove it does not form a vector space?

Best Answer

Polynomials of degree $n$ does not form a vector space because they don't form a set closed under addition.

For instance:


which is not of degree $n$.

So, don't get confused with the set of polynomials of degree less or equal then $n$, which form a vector space of dimension $n+1$. We often work with this space.

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