[Math] how to prove if $\det A=\det B$ then $A=CB$

determinantlinear algebramatrices

Let $A$ and $B$ be invertible $n \times n$- matrices and $C$ be an $n \times n$- matrix with $\det C =1$. Prove that $\det A = \det B$ if and only if $A=CB$.

I've got the proof backward but I got stuck on the forward. I got some hints like expressing those matrices with elementary matrices, but I failed to find anything useful.

I just don't know how to prove "if $\det A = \det B$ then $A=CB$".

ps.thanks for all clarifications and that was just my understanding. This is the original question and I'm also confused about it.

Let $A$ and $B$ be invertible $n \times n$- matrices. Prove that $\det A = \det B$ if and only if $A=CB$, where $C$ is an $n \times n$- matrix such that $\det C =1$.

Best Answer

Define $C:=AB^{-1}$, which is possible since $B$ is invertible. Then

$$CB=(AB^{-1})B=A(B^{-1}B)=AI=A$$ and
