Algebra Precalculus – How to Prove (f ? g)?¹ = g?¹ ? f?¹ (Inverse of Composition)

algebra-precalculusfunction-and-relation-compositionfunctionsinverse function

I'm doing exercise on discrete mathematics and I'm stuck with question:

If $f:Y\to Z$ is an invertible function, and $g:X\to Y$ is an invertible function, then the inverse of the composition $(f \circ\ g)$ is given by $(f \circ\ g) ^{-1} = g^{-1} \circ\ f^{-1}$.

I've no idea how to prove this, please help me by give me some reference or hint to its solution.

Best Answer

You put your socks first and then your shoes but you take off your shoes before taking off your socks.

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