How to Project an n-Dimensional Point onto a 2-D Subspace

geometrylinear algebra

Here is a n-dimensional space:
There's a point

$P (p_1,p_2,\dots,p_n)$

And two orthogonal vectors that determines a 2-D plane/subspace D

$v (v_1,v_2, \dots ,v_n)$
$w (w_1,w_2, \dots ,w_n)$

How do I project the point $P$ onto the 2-D subspace D that is determined by vector $v$ and $w$?

Best Answer

If you know matrices, this will do it: Regard $P$, $v$, and $w$ are column vectors. Let $M$ be the matrix whose two columns are $v$ and $w$. It's an $n\times2$ matrix. (By the way, you shouldn't use capital $N$ and lower-case $n$ as if they were synonymous. Mathematical notation is case-sensitive.) Then $M^TM$ is a $2\times 2$ matrix, which is invertible if the vectors $v$, $w$ are linearly independent. The matrix $M(M^TM)^{-1}M^T$ is and $n\times n$ matrix of rank $2$. The vector $M(M^TM)^{-1}M^T P$ is the projection that you seek.

"Usage note": Once upon a time a highly respected and moderately famous mathematician told me that $M(M^TM)^{-1}M^T$ is the identity matrix. Apparently he was assuming $M$ was a square matrix. I have a bold hypothesis, which I haven't checked empirically: "Pure" mathematicians tacitly assume matrices are square; "applied" mathematicians don't.