[Math] How to pick $10$ people from $13$ such that at least $1$ is a woman

combinatoricsdiscrete mathematics

Problem 10c from here.

Thirteen people on a softball team show up for a game. Of the $13$ people who show up, $3$ are women. How many ways are there to choose $10$ players to take the field if at least one of these players must be a woman?

The given answer is calculated by summing the combination of $1$ woman + $9$ men, $2$ women + $8$ men, and $3$ women + $7$ men.

My question is, why can't we set this up as the sum $\binom{3}{1} + \binom{12}{9}$ – picking one of the three women first, then picking $9$ from the remaining $12$ men and women combined? The only requirement is that we have at least one woman, which is satisfied by $\binom{3}{1}$, and that leaves a pool of $12$ from which to pick the remaining $9$. The answer this way is close to the answer given, but it's $62$ short. I get that it's the "wrong" answer but I'm wondering why my thinking was wrong in setting it up this way. Thanks.

Best Answer

Your answer is wrong on two counts:

Firstly you multiply, not add, if you are thinking of $\dbinom31$ and $\dbinom{12}{9}$

Secondly, this approach will over count. Suppose you chose Alicia , and then you chose $9$ from the remaining $12$, you would also have combos where Britney was first chosen, and Alicia was chosen from the $12$ group.

Thirdly, your book approach is correct, but unnecessarily tedious.

The best way is to compute
[All possible combos] - [All male combos ] $\;=\dbinom{13}{10} - \dbinom{10}{10}$