Linear Algebra – How to Determine the Cardinality of an Infinite Dimensional Vector Space

cardinalslinear algebra

Suppose $V$ is a vector space over a scalar field $F$. If $\dim(V)=n$, then $|V|=|F|^n$. How can I rigorously determine the cardinality of $V$ when $V$ is infinite dimensional?

My thought was that if $\mathscr{B}$ is an ordered basis for $V$, then the cardinality of $V$ is given by the set of functions from $\mathscr{B}\to F$, by identifying elements of $V$ with their $\mathscr{B}$-coordinate vector. However, I feel that we should only count functions with finite support since infinite sums don't make sense.

Is this correct? If so, how does one find the cardinality of $\{f\colon\mathscr{B}\to F\mid \mathrm{supp }(f)<\infty\}$, in terms of say $|F|$ and $|\mathscr{B}|$? Thanks.

Best Answer

Suppose that $V$ is a vector space over $F$ and $V$ has a basis $B$.

From the definition of a basis every $v\in V$ can be written as a unique sum of basis elements and scalars. That is, there is a finite subset of $B\times (F\setminus\{0\})$ whose sum is $v$, and if we require that this set is a function on its domain, then this set is unique.

This gives a well-defined injection from $V$ into finite subsets of $B\times(F\setminus\{0\})$. Assuming the axiom of choice we have that, $$|V|\leq\left|[B\times(F\setminus\{0\})]^{<\omega}\right|=|B\times F|=\max\{|B|,|F|\}\leq|V|\implies|V|=\max\{|B|,|F|\}.$$

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