[Math] How to never ending decimal numbers represent finite lengths? e.g. $\pi$, $\sqrt{2}$


Recently, I was in a discussion with a colleague that, whether the $\pi d$ really can represent the accurate perimeter of a circle or not. To clarify that doubt, I came here and found below similar post:
a Circle perimeter as expression of ππ Conflict?

Even though above Q is quite similar, the answer is not satisfactory for my doubt. So I decided to represent it in different way.

Now a perfect circle is not possible in real world due to various other reasons. However for sake of argument, let's assume that we have a reasonably thin string of a finite length $x$ (say $10.\bar{0}$ cm). Using that string, we made a circle of diameter $d$.

Now here is a paradox:

  1. $x$ is measurable using simple foot ruler, hence finite;
  2. The theoretical perimeter of the circle is $\pi d$;

How can we equate?

$$x = \pi d$$

If I assign a task of $x$ to be measured, then it will be measured perfectly using a simple foot ruler to exact $10$ cm. But $\pi d$ can't be measured perfectly even using super computer as the value of $\pi$ goes on and on for trillions of decimals.

Does $\pi d$ represents the perfect perimeter of a circle or the nearest value?

Same can be asked for a square which has sides of $1$ unit and diagonal of $\sqrt{2}$. Here, how the finite length is measured using a never ending decimal?

Best Answer

You set up a false dilemma. How many digits a decimal representation of a number has only tells us how much information is needed in the decimal system to describe the number.

While reading the decimal digits of $\pi$ we gain more and more detail about the exact value of the number:

$$ \begin{align} \pi &= 3.1...&\implies&&3.1\leq&\pi\leq3.2\\ \pi&=3.14...&\implies&&3.14\leq&\pi\leq3.15\\ \vdots&&\vdots&&&\vdots\\ \pi&=3.141592...&\implies&&3.141592\leq&\pi\leq3.141593\\ \end{align} $$ so that there are infinitely many digits only goes to show that our decimal system is not "powerful" enough to give all details about the number $\pi$ as a finite set of data.

The size of the data describing $\pi$ in a given system of representation bears no witness to the size of the number itself.

An experiment to consider

You may have the idea that you can measure any given distance with perfect precision, but try the following experiment:

Draw a straight line of random length on a piece of paper. Then measure it using a ruler - chances are that it will not fit exactly from mark to mark.

Suppose then from a theoretical point of view that we had a decimal system ruler with infinitely fine markings on it. Then you could zoom in to the $3.14$ and $3.15$ marks and recognize that $\pi$ lies somewhere between those two - much closer to the $3.14$ mark than to the other.

After that try zooming in quite a deal more to the $3.141592$ and the $3.141593$ marks and again $\pi$ escapes fitting any of those two exactly. It is impossible to perform this experiment in practice, but actually the same phenomenon is most likely to be the case for your randomly drawn line - if you only had the power to keep zooming in.