[Math] How to know the analytic continuation exists in certain cases


As pointed in Does the analytic continuation always exists? we know it doesn't always exist.

But: take the $\Gamma$ function: the first definition everyone meet is the integral one:
which defines an holomorphic function on the half plane $\{\Re z>0\}$.
Moreover we immediately get the functional equation:
\Gamma(z+1)=z\Gamma(z)\;,\;\;\;\forall\; \Re z>0.
This equation is used to extend the function on the whole complex plane (minus the negative integers)… but: WHY CAN WE DO THIS?!

We know that there is an holomorphic function $\Gamma$ which can be expressed as the integral on that half plane. Why are we allowed to write
for example? LHS is defined, RHS, NOT!!! But where's the problem? Simply let's define $\Gamma\left(-\frac12\right)$ in such a way… but why can we do this? How can I know that this function I named $\Gamma$ which is holomorphic on the above half plane admits an extension?

Best Answer

Once you have the functional equation for $\Gamma$, we can define a new function $\tilde \Gamma$ defined on the half-plane $\operatorname{Re} z > -1$ (except $z=0$) by $$ \tilde \Gamma(z) = \frac1z \Gamma(z+1). $$ It's clear that $\tilde \Gamma$ is holomorphic on $\{ \operatorname{Re} z > -1 \} \setminus \{ 0 \}$, and coincides with $\Gamma$ on $\operatorname{Re} z > 0$ (because of the functional equation). In other words, $\tilde \Gamma$ is an analytic continuation of $\Gamma$ to $\{ \operatorname{Re} z > -1 \} \setminus \{ 0 \}$. So we may as well call $\tilde \Gamma$ by $\Gamma$.

Repeating the above construction, we can define a "new $\Gamma$-function" on successively larger sets until we get something defined and holomorphic on the whole complex plane except the non-positive integers.

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