Differential Geometry – How to Induce a Connection on a Submanifold


Suppose an affine connection is given on a smooth manifold $M$ and let $N\subset M$ be an embedded submanifold. Is there a canonical way of defining an induced connection on $N$?

In classical differential geometry of smooth surfaces in Euclidean 3-space, the corresponding construction is that of covariant derivative (cfr. Do Carmo, Differential geometry of curves and surfaces ยง4-4). The covariant derivative of a vector field along a curve on the surface is defined as the orthogonal projection of the ordinary Euclidean derivative onto the plane tangent to the surfaces.

I wonder how (and if) this can be ported to the language of connections.Wikipedia's entry does something like that by means of the Riemannian structure: I wonder if this extra structure is really necessary.

Best Answer

With just an affine structure you will not be able to get an induced connection. (Part of the story is told in Fox's AMS Notices article from March 2012 titled "What is an affine sphere?".)

Instead, you can consider the following for codimension 1 submanifolds: given $\tau:N\to M$ an embedding and let $v$ be a vector field on $M$ along $N$ that is transverse to $N$, then $(\nabla,v)$ on $M$ together induces a connection on $N$. For $(X,Y)$ vector fields on $N$, we can define $$ D^{(v)}_X Y = [\nabla_{\tau_*X}\tau_*Y] $$ where $[W]$ for $W\in T_pM$, $p\in \tau(N)$ is defined by $\tau_*[W] - W = \lambda v$ for some $\lambda\in\mathbb{R}$. For higher codimension case you need more (linearly independent) vector fields. In the Riemannian case, $v$ is canonically chosen to be the unit normal vector to $N$ (or in higher codimension, a family that spans the normal bundle).

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