[Math] How to i understand the graphical interpretation of Torsion of a curve


i can understand well the graphical interpretation of the curvatura value of a curve (in R^3)

but… Could you help me to understand the graphical sense of the torsion of a curve?

I know that if torsion >0 the curve go trough osculating plane from below upwards.

if torsion <0 the curve go trough osculating plane from above downwards.

But…. how can i interprete a value os 2, 4, or -1.5 or -5 ?

Thank you.

Best Answer

Here's how my differential geometry professor explained it to me.

  • Curvature measures the failure of a curve to be a line. If $\gamma$ has zero curvature, it is a line. High curvature (positive or negative corresponding to right or left) means that the curve fails to be a line quite badly, owing to the existence of sharp turns.
  • Torsion measures the failure of a curve to be planar. If $\gamma$ has zero torsion, it lies in a plane. High torsion (positive or negative corresponding to up and down) means that the curve fails to be planar quite badly, owing to it curving in various directions and through many planes.

Now for some examples.

  • $\tau = 0, \kappa = 0$: A line. Lines look very much like lines, and they are certainly planar.
  • $\tau = 0, \kappa =k > 0$: A circle. Circles don't look like lines, especially small ones. They have constant curvature. However, they do lie in a plane.
  • $\tau = c >0, \kappa = k >0$: A helix. Helixes curve like circles, failing to be lines. They also swirl upwards with constant torsion, failing to lie in a plane.
  • $\tau >0 , \kappa = k > 0$: A broken slinky. Slinkies curve like circles, failing to be lines. They generally have constant positive torsion, like helixes. But if you break them, the torsion remains positive (viewed from the bottom up), but how large the torsion is corresponds to how stretched the slinky is. A very stretched slinky has large torsion, compacted slinkies have small torsion.
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