[Math] How to Hamilton’s quaternion equation be true

linear algebraquaternions

I'm reading Ken Shoemake's explanation of quaternions in David Eberly's book Game Physics. In it, he describes the $\mathbf{i}, \mathbf{j}, \mathbf{k}$ components of quaternions to all equal $\sqrt{-1}$. Then it states Hamilton's quaternion equation:

$\mathbf{i}^2 = \mathbf{j}^2 = \mathbf{k}^2 = \mathbf{ijk} = \mathbf{-1}$

If $\mathbf{i} = \mathbf{j} = \mathbf{k} = \sqrt{-1}$, then it makes sense how $\mathbf{i}^2 = \mathbf{-1}$. But $\mathbf{ijk}$ should equal $\mathbf{i}^3$, not $\mathbf{i}^2$. How does $\mathbf{ijk} = \mathbf{-1}$?

The book's notation says that lowercase bold letters denote a vector, so I'm thinking of $\mathbf{i}$, $\mathbf{j}$, and $\mathbf{k}$ as the basis of the quaternion, similar to the basis of a vector, and can be written $(\sqrt{-1}, \sqrt{-1}, \sqrt{-1})$. Having the result of $\mathbf{ijk}$ as a bold $\mathbf{-1}$ to me implies that it is the vector $(-1, -1, -1)$. Is this understanding correct? In this context, what does it mean to square vector $\mathbf{i}$? If it equals another vector, then the only operation that makes sense is the cross product, but the cross product of a vector and itself is the zero vector.

Best Answer

It is not true that $i=j=k=\sqrt{-1}$. It is only true that $i^2=j^2=k^2=-1$.

Similarly, it is true that $(-2)^2=2^2=4$, but that does not mean that $-2=2=\sqrt 4$.

In fact, the formulas you have written down are axioms that form the quaternions. You decide that you will look at the division ring (i.e. a ring where you can divide by all numbers but $0$) in which you have $3$ different numbers which all square to $-1$ and which satisfy the equation $ijk=-1$. That's how the quaternions are defined. And no, $ijk$ should not be equal to $i^3$, because in fact, $ij=k$, meaning that $ijk=kk=-1$ which fits with your formulas.

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