Number Systems – How to Generate the Binary Representation of Any Real Number


In p. 30 of Baby Rudin, I find a reference to the fact that the binary representation of a real number implies the uncountablity of the set of real numbers. But I have two questions:

  1. Does every real number have a binary representation? If yes, how do I prove it?
  2. How can I generate the binary representation of a given real number $a$?

I'm aware of the binary representation of integers, but had never thought of a binary representation of real numbers earlier.

Best Answer

Every real number $\alpha>0$ (to make things simpler) can be developed into an infinite binary expansion of the form $$110\ldots10\,.\,1011101\ldots\ ,$$ where to the left of the "decimal" point we only have finitely many digits and to the right an unending sequence of digits. Numbers of the form $n/2^N$ $\ (n, N\in{\mathbb N}_{\geq0})$ have exactly two such representations (this is the $0.999\ldots=1.000\ldots$ phenomenon in decimal), all other numbers have exactly one representation. In fact it is possible to construct the full real number system (with addition, multiplication and order) as such an "uncountable list" of binary fractions. This has been sketched by Gowers here:

A real number $\alpha>0$ can be considered as "given" when for each $N$ it is possible to name an integer $a_N$ such that $${a_N\over 2^N}\leq \alpha<{a_N+1\over 2^N}\ .$$ Using induction one easily proves that $$2 a_N\leq a_{N+1}\leq 2a_N+1\ ,$$ and this implies that the finite binary representation of $a_{N+1}$ is obtained from the representation of $a_N$ by appending a $0$ or a $1$. Now the quotients $a_N/2^N$ approximate the given number $\alpha$. Writing $a_N$ in binary and separating the last $N$ digits by a "decimal" point we therefore get a finite binary approximation of $\alpha$, and things work out such that for $N'>N$ the first $N$ places (after the "decimal" point) of $a_N$ and $a_{N'}$ coincide. In this way we get an ever better approximation of $\alpha$ just by adding new "binary places" to the right.

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