Probability – How to Generate Real Random Numbers


I'm doing (with Java) a very simple simulator (Queueing Systems..) that needs many random numbers (more than $10^5$).

I know that Java Random class would give me all the random numbers I need, and they pass all the test I'm doing, but.. they are pseudo-random! I don't like it.

I know that random number web site gives real random numbers from atmospheric noise (or something like that) but it limits the download. In particular you cannot download more than 10000 numbers with one HTTP request.

So the question is: is there a way to generate more than $X$ random numbers with $X$ random numbers and infinite (…) pseudo-random?

Best Answer

There's absolutely no reason to use "real" random numbers. Furthermore, those "real" random numbers may be worse that pseudorandom ones. For example, it could happen that for some physical reasons, the "real" random bits are slightly skewed or have slight correlations. That can be corrected using a "randomness extractor" but then, why not just use the same techniques without all the hassle?

There are surely some reasons not to settle for pseudorandomness, but none of them apply in your case. For example, you don't mind that your numbers are deterministic. You don't care if they're cryptographically secure. And you'd want all your experiments to be reproducible (though that's still possible under your "real" model).

As to your concrete final question, yes, it's possible to use outside "real" random bits to influence a cryptographic model generating random numbers. You can probably find some methods in the literature (don't try to invent anything yourself, though). Just keep it mind that instead of focusing on the simulation itself, this will change your focus to something which, in my mind, is completely bogus.

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