[Math] How to generate points uniformly distributed on the surface of an ellipsoid

analytic geometryellipsoidsprobabilityrandom variablesstochastic-processes

I am trying to find a way to generate random points uniformly distributed on the surface of an ellipsoid.

If it was a sphere there is a neat way of doing it: Generate three $N(0,1)$ variables $\{x_1,x_2,x_3\}$, calculate the distance from the origin


and calculate the point


It can then be shown that the points $\mathbf{y}$ lie on the surface of the sphere and are uniformly distributed on the sphere surface, and the argument that proves it is just one word, "isotropy". No prefered direction.

Suppose now we have an ellipsoid


How about generating three $N(0,1)$ variables as above, calculate


and then using $\mathbf{y}=(x_1,x_2,x_3)/d$ as above. That way we get points guaranteed on the surface of the ellipsoid but will they be uniformly distributed? How can we check that?

Any help greatly appreciated, thanks.

PS I am looking for a solution without accepting/rejecting points, which is kind of trivial.


Switching to polar coordinates, the surface element is $dS=F(\theta,\phi)\ d\theta\ d\phi$ where $F$ is expressed as
$$\frac{1}{4} \sqrt{r^2 \left(16 \sin ^2(\theta ) \left(a^2 \sin ^2(\phi )+b^2 \cos
^2(\phi )+c^2\right)+16 \cos ^2(\theta ) \left(a^2 \cos ^2(\phi )+b^2 \sin
^2(\phi )\right)-r^2 \left(a^2-b^2\right)^2 \sin ^2(2 \theta ) \sin ^2(2 \phi

Best Answer

One way to proceed is to generate a point uniformly on the sphere, apply the mapping $f : (x,y,z) \mapsto (x'=ax,y'=by,z'=cz)$ and then correct the distortion created by the map by discarding the point randomly with some probability $p(x,y,z)$ (after discarding you restart the whole thing).

When we apply $f$, a small area $dS$ around some point $P(x,y,z)$ will become a small area $dS'$ around $P'(x',y',z')$, and we need to compute the multiplicative factor $\mu_P = dS'/dS$.

I need two tangent vectors around $P(x,y,z)$, so I will pick $v_1 = (dx = y, dy = -x, dz = 0)$ and $v_2 = (dx = z,dy = 0, dz=-x)$

We have $dx' = adx, dy'=bdy, dz'=cdz$ ; $Tf(v_1) = (dx' = adx = ay = ay'/b, dy' = bdy = -bx = -bx'/a,dz' = 0)$, and similarly $Tf(v_2) = (dx' = az'/c,dy' = 0,dz' = -cx'/a)$

(we can do a sanity check and compute $x'dx'/a^2+ y'dy'/b^2+z'dz'/c^2 = 0$ in both cases)

Now, $dS = v_1 \wedge v_2 = (y e_x - xe_y) \wedge (ze_x-xe_z) = x(y e_z \wedge e_x + ze_x \wedge e_y + x e_y \wedge e_z)$ so $|| dS || = |x|\sqrt{x^2+y^2+z^2} = |x|$

And $dS' = (Tf \wedge Tf)(dS) = ((ay'/b) e_x - (bx'/a) e_y) \wedge ((az'/c) e_x-(cx'/a) e_z) = (x'/a)((acy'/b) e_z \wedge e_x + (abz'/c) e_x \wedge e_y + (bcx'/a) e_y \wedge e_z)$

And finally $\mu_{(x,y,z)} = ||dS'||/||dS|| = \sqrt{(acy)^2 + (abz)^2 + (bcx)^2}$.

It's quick to check that when $(x,y,z)$ is on the sphere the extrema of this expression can only happen at one of the six "poles" ($(0,0,\pm 1), \ldots$). If we suppose $0 < a < b < c$, its minimum is at $(0,0,\pm 1)$ (where the area is multiplied by $ab$) and the maximum is at $(\pm 1,0,0)$ (where the area is multiplied by $\mu_{\max} = bc$)

The smaller the multiplication factor is, the more we have to remove points, so after choosing a point $(x,y,z)$ uniformly on the sphere and applying $f$, we have to keep the point $(x',y',z')$ with probability $\mu_{(x,y,z)}/\mu_{\max}$.

Doing so should give you points uniformly distributed on the ellipsoid.

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