[Math] How to formula the given linear programming model

linear programming

Chem Labs uses raw materials I and II to produce two domestic cleaning solutions, A and B.
The daily availabilities of raw materials I and II are 150 and 145 units, respectively. One unit of
solution A consumes 0.5 unit of raw material I and 0.6 unit of raw material II, and one unit of
solution B uses 0.5 unit of raw material I and 0.4 unit of raw material II. The profits per unit of
solutions A and B are 8 and $10, respectively. The daily demand for solution A lies between
30 and 150 units, and that for solution B between 40 and 200 units. Find the optimal production
amounts of A and B.

My attempt

Let A and B be the no. of units of A and B produced and X and Y be no. of raw materials I and II to be processed respectively.

The objective function is to maximize the profit, Z.


The objective function is subject to the following constraints





Is this formulation correct? If it is, how can one proceed from this point to find the maximum profit?

Best Answer

The use of raw materials $I$ and $II$ depends on the production of $A$ and $B$, so you don't need the variables $X$ and $Y$.

You can create a table of given data:

$$\begin{array}{c|c|c|c} Products&I&II&Profit&Demand\\ \hline A&0.5&0.6&8&30\le A\le 150\\ B&0.5&0.4&10&40\le B\le 200\\ \hline Available&\le 150&\le 145&maximize&\end{array}$$

Now we can formulate the LPP: let $A$ and $B$ be the numbers of units of $A$ and $B$, respectively. Then: $$\pi(A,B)=8A+10B\to \text{max} \ \ \text{subject to}\\ 0.5A+0.5B\le 150 \ \ \text{(material I constraint)}\\ 0.6A+0.4B\le 145 \ \ \text{(material II constraint)}\\ 30\le A\le 150 \ \ \text{(demand for A)}\\ 40\le B\le 200 \ \ \text{(demand for B)}\\ $$ You can use graphical or Simplex methods to solve LPP.

Graphical method.

1) Draw the feasible (green) region from the constraint inequalities:

enter image description here

2) Find the corner points: $A,B,C,D,E,F$.

3) Evaluate the objective (profit) function at the corner points and choose the maximum.

Can you do it?


$\pi(100,200)=2800.$ WolframAlpha answer.

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