[Math] How to find the volume of the unit sphere above $z=1/\sqrt2$


How to find the volume of the unit sphere above $z=1/\sqrt2$?

I have managed to find the limit for $\rho$ as $(1/\sqrt2) \sec \phi$ to $1$ and for $\theta$ as $0$ to $2\pi$

but I can't figure out the limits for $\phi$.

Can anyone help?

This is the problem by the way: http://ocw.covenantuniversity.edu.ng/courses/mathematics/18-02sc-multivariable-calculus-fall-2010/4.-triple-integrals-and-surface-integrals-in-3-space/part-a-triple-integrals/session-77-triple-integrals-in-spherical-coordinates/MIT18_02SC_L26Brds_10.png


Best Answer

In spherical coordinates, the region can be written as $$ E=\{(\rho,\theta,\phi)\;|\; 0 \le \theta \le 2\pi , \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}\cos\phi}\le \rho \le 1,0 \le \phi\le \cos^{-1}\left( \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\right)(=\frac{\pi}{4})\} $$ It follows that the volume equals $$ \iiint_E \rho^2\sin \phi\; dV = \frac{2\pi}{3}-\frac{\pi}{\sqrt{2}}+\frac{\pi}{6\sqrt{2}} $$


  • To specifically answer your question, the upper bound for $\phi$ comes from equations $$ z=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}=\rho \cos \phi, \quad \rho=1 $$
  • Cylindrical coordinates are also a good option here: $$ E=\{(r,\theta,z)\;|\; 0 \le \theta \le 2\pi , 0\le r\le \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}, \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \le z \le \sqrt{1-r^2} \} $$
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