[Math] How to find the vertex of a rhombus


I am unable to solve this question.
If the area of a rhombus is 10 sq.unit . It's diagonals intersect at (0,0) if one vertex of the rhombus is (3,4) , then one of the other vertices can be ?
I took a rhombus as ABCD . I took A as (3,4) and took O(0,0) as the point of the intersections of the diagonals . I found out OA as 5 and OB as 1 . I found out C as(-3,-4) . Now , the problem is that I am unable to find the vertex B . Please tell me how do I find out the vertex B . Thank you!

Best Answer

The length of $A C$ is 10, so the length of $B D$ is 2. Now $O C$ and $O B$ are orthogonal, so $B = t (4, -3)$. Putting in the distance you have $t = 1/5$.

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