[Math] How to find the two numbers when their sum and the sum of their HCF and LCM are given


So, the question is that the sum of HCF and LCM is $96$ and the sum of the numbers is $48$. We need to find the numbers.

Here is my attempt to this question:

Let the numbers be $a$ and $b$ and their LCM and HCF be $l$ and $h$ respectively. So, the 3 equations that we have are

$$a + b = 48$$
$$l + h = 96$$
$$ab = lh$$

Substituting the value of $a$ as $48 – b$ and $l$ as $96 – h$ in $ab = lh$ we get
$$(48 – b)b = (96 – h)h \\ \implies 48b – b^2 = 96h – h^2 \\ \implies 48b – 96h = b^2 – h^2$$

On comparing LHS with RHS we get $b$ as $48$ and $h$ as $96$. However, this would mean that LCM and $a$ are $0$ which is not true as LCM can't be less the HCF or the numbers. Is there some other way of doing it?

Best Answer

$$a + b = 48$$ $$l + h = 96$$ $$ab = lh$$

So $$l = ab/h$$

Let $a = ph$, $b = qh$

Therefore $$ph + qh = 48$$ $$pqh + h = 96$$ Thus $$pqh + h = 2(ph + qh)$$ $$pq + 1 = 2p + 2q$$ $$pq -2p -2q = -1$$ By adding 4 to both sides we can factor the LHS $$pq -2p -2q + 4 = 3$$ $$(p-2)(q-2) = 3$$ 3 is prime, so one of $p-2$ and $q-2$ must be 3 and the other must be 1 (since we're working with positive integers).

WLOG, let $p-2 = 3$ and $q-2 = 1$ Therefore $p=5$ and $q=3$

$p+q=8$ and since $(p + q)h = 48$

$h = 48/8 = 6$

So $a = 5.6 = 30$ and $b = 3.6 = 18$

and $l = LCM(5.6, 3.6) = 5.18 = 30.3 = 90$

Hence $l + h = 96$