[Math] How to find the surface area of a Torus using calculus


I managed to find the volume of a torus by solids of revolution, using the washers method. Can the same method be applied for finding an expression for the surface area?

Best Answer

One can find the area, using an analogous of the washers method, as follows.

If $O$ is the torus center and $C$ the center of the revolving circle, consider a point $P$ on that circle corresponding to an angle $\theta=\angle OCP$, and a point $P'$ close to $P$, corresponding to an angle $\theta+d\theta$. If $R=OC$ and $r=CP$, then the area of the stripe between the two circles obtained by the rotation of $P$ and $P'$ is: $$dA=2\pi\cdot PH\cdot PP' = 2\pi(R-r\cos\theta)(r\,d\theta).$$ Integrate that between $0$ and $2\pi$ and you are done.

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