[Math] How to find the start and end point of an Arc? Using center xy, radius and start/end angle values.


I'm defining an arc by calling a function like this: arc(x, y, radius*2, radius*2, start, end);

x: center x.
y: center y.
radius*2: width.
radius*2: height.
start: start angle in radians or degrees.
end: end angle in radians or degrees.

And now I need to "close" the arc by drawing two lines, both from the center of the arc, to the start and end point of the arc.

How do I find the start and end points?

Best Answer

Given start angles and end angles you get

sX = offsetX + radius * cos(startAngle * PI/180)
sY = offsetY + radius * sin(startAngle * PI/180)
eX = offsetX + radius * cos(endAngle * PI/180)
eY = offsetY + radius * sin(endAngle * PI/180)

Multiplying an angle by PI/180 converts degrees to radians.