[Math] How to find the sides of an equilateral triangle given all angles.


How do I find the length of sides and the height of an equilateral triangle when I only know the three angles and the area.
The area is 50.3144 and obviously all the angles are 60 degrees.
I'm in grade 10 so I don't want some crazy formula to figure this out, I've looked everywhere on the internet but all websites talk about SAS, AAS etc. but I have not been given any side length just the area and angles.

Best Answer

Let the triangle be $\;\Delta ABC\;$, say with $\;A\;$ the upper vertex, and let $\;D\;$ be the midpoint of side $\;BC\;$ , say. Then, $\;\Delta ABD\;$ is a straight $\;30-60-90\;$ triangle , so $\;|BD|=\frac12|AB|\;$ and $\;|AD|=\frac{\sqrt3}2|AB|\;$ (use Pythagoras Theorem) , and thus the whole triangle's area is

$$\frac{|BC|\cdot |AD|}2=\frac{|AB|\cdot\frac{\sqrt3}2|AB|}2=\frac{\sqrt3}4|AB|^2\stackrel{\text{given}}=50.3144$$

So now just get (fill in details)
