[Math] How to find the shortest path between opposite vertices of a cube, traveling on its surface


I am stuck with the following problem that says:

Let $A,B$ be the ends of the longest diagonal of the unit cube . The length of
the shortest path from $A$ to $B$ along the surface is :

  1. $\sqrt{3}\,\,$ 2.$\,\,1+\sqrt{2}\,\,$ 3.$\,\,\sqrt{5}\,\,$ 4.$\,\,3$

My Try: enter image description here

So, the length of the longest diagonal $AB=\sqrt{3}$. If I reach from $A$ to $B$ along the surface line $AC+CD+BD$, then it gives $3$ units. But the answer is given to be option 3.

Can someone explain? Thanks in advance for your time.

Best Answer


The path goes through the middle point of common opposite side considering two squares only.

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