[Math] How to find the range and inverse of this linear operator


Given $T \colon C[0,1] \to C[0,1]$ defined by $$Tx(t):= \int_0^t x(r) dr$$ for each $t\in [0,1]$, where $C[0,1]$ is the normed space of continuous real-valued (or complex-valued) functions defined on the closed interval $[0,1]$ with the norm given by $||x|| \colon= \max_{t \in [0,1]} |x(t)|$.

How to find the range of this operator?

This operator is one-to-one; so an inverse exists. How to find this inverse?

Best Answer

Suppose $Tx=y$, we have: $$y(t)=(Tx)(t)= \int_0^t x(r) dr$$ Since $x$ is continuous, $y$ is differentiable and we have: $$x=y'$$ So $$T^{-1}(y)=y'$$

About range of $T$, it's clear that each $Tx$ is differentiable and $$(Tx)(0)=0$$ Let $y\in C[0,1]$ be a differentiable function such that $$y(0)=0$$ we have: $$(Ty')(t)=\int_0^t y'(r) dr=y(t)$$ provided this integral exists. So which integral do you use? e.g if this definition is used then the integral always exists and the range of $T$ is all differentiable functions that are 0 at 0. About Riemann integration I think the range is more limited.