[Math] How to find the radius of an arc given arc length and height


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Please excuse the poor drawing, but how would you go about solving this problem?


  • Arc length

  • Height (I'm not sure what the proper term for this parameter is.)


  • Sagitta

  • Chord length

  • Radius

Thank you!

Best Answer

There are two possible values of $L$, neither of which has a 'nice' expression.

If $R$ is the radius and $\theta$ the angle subtended by the arc, we have $R \theta = 100$, $L = 2 R \sin {\theta \over 2}$ and $L \sin {\theta \over 2} = 20$.

Eliminating $R$ gives $L = {200 \over \theta} \sin {\theta \over 2}$, so we can see that $\theta$ must satisfy $\theta = 10 \sin^2 {\theta \over 2}$.

A plot of $\theta \mapsto 10 \sin^2 {\theta \over 2}-\theta$ shows two solutions to this equation in $(0,2 \pi)$: enter image description here

This gives $\theta_1 \approx 0.406$, $\theta_2 \approx 4.760$. The corresponding values of $L,R$ are straightforward to compute. (The drawings look like an ice cream cone and a Pacman.)