[Math] How to find the point on a line which has the minimum length to three points


I've learnt some ways of finding a point on a line which can minimize the sum of length to other points.

enter image description here

I want to generalize this to three points using geometric methods.


There're three points $(A,B,C)$ on same side of a line, finding a point on that line to minimize $PA+PB+PC$.

I know that the Lagrange Multiplier Method can solve such problems, but I want to find some geometric meaning.

My Attempt

Just like the two point case, let point $B$ go to another side.

$P$ maybe lies on the intersection of $BA, BC$ with the x-axis.

But I suddenly realized that the point of minimum total distance from the three vertices of the triangle is called Fermat–Torricelli Point ($F$ on picture).

But that point may not on the line. But we can get an intersection by connecting $BF$.

I can't prove which point is smaller, or there are other smaller points.

enter image description here

Best Answer

This is not something you can solve with geometric constructions for more than two points.

Suppose the $n$ points are $(x_i,y_i)$ and the target point is constrained to the $x$-axis, then the problem is equivalent to minimising the following function: $$\sum_i\sqrt{(x-x_i)^2+y_i^2}$$ When considering the unconstrained problem, the set of points whose sum of distances to the $n$ points is constant is an $n$-ellipse, and the constrained problem is indirectly asking for that constant for which the $n$-ellipse is tangent to the $x$-axis. For two points, this shape is a normal ellipse, and the depicted reflection method works because the shortest distance between two points is a straight line (and the ellipse is of algebraic degree 2).

For three points, however, the 3-ellipse is of degree 8 – far too large to admit an exact solution in all cases.

I took your last diagram and assigned coordinates $(0,2),(2,-2),(3,3)$ to $A,B,C$ respectively. What is $P$ in your diagram – the $x$-intercept of the line between the Fermat point of $\triangle ABC$ and $B$ – lies at $(1.61509982\dots,0)$ where the sum of distances to $A,B,C$ is $$7.911\mathbf64173\dots$$ This is quite good, but not optimal. The optimal point is $(1.59405306\dots,0)$ whose corresponding sum-distance is $$7.911\mathbf42964\dots$$

That this differs only after the fourth decimal place shows how delicate this problem is, and the unchallenged superiority of numerical methods for tackling such problems.