[Math] How to find the inverse of an upper triangular matrix


I want to find the inverse of an upper triangular matrix in an efficient way. I googled a lot, but all the articles discussed about a lower triangular matrix.

Is it possible to edit the matlab code in this answer so that its suitable for an upper triangular matrix?

Best Answer

If you really want to find the inverse $M$ of an invertible upper triangular matrix $U$, note that $U M = I \implies M^T U^T = I$, which shows that $M^T$ is the inverse of the lower triangular matrix $U^T$.

So, you can find $M^T$ using the code you already have to invert a lower triangular matrix. This gives you $M$.

However, a rule of thumb is that you rarely want to compute the inverse of a matrix explicitly. If you ever need to solve $Ux = b$, you can just use back substitution.