[Math] How to find the height of an object via it’s shadow


I cannot figure out this geometry problem even though it seems like a 3rd grade problem. I'm sorry if this question embarasses you. Anyways..

See the figure below.

enter image description here

My known values are $d$, $t$, and $s$. I would like to know how high an object is above the ground, by measuring its shadow, $s$, and also the horizontal distance between the object and the beginning of the shadow, $t$. Finally, $d$ is the diameter of the object. Consider this object to be a perfect sphere.

Please note that there is an error in measuring this way, as the light does not necessarily cast a shadow from the bottom and the top of a round object. I am neglecting this error as I am considering the point of light to be far far away.

How do I find the height, $h$, of the object?

Best Answer

If the light source is very far (e.g. the Sun) then you can consider the rays as parallel, so that in your picture you have two similar triangles and $t:h=(t+s):(h+d)$. From that you easily get $d=(h\cdot s)/t$

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