[Math] How to find the first coefficients of a power series

calculuspower series

So, I've found them, but I don't understand the first few. Let me explain.

The problem I was working on was:

Suppose that

$$\frac{10 x}{12 + x} = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}c_nx^n.$$

Find the first few coefficients : $c_0,c_1,c_2,c_3,c_4,\dots$
Now, I figured out (through a bit of odd luck) that:

$c_0 = 0$
$c_1 = 10/12$
$c_2 = -10/144$

and you continue to multiply by $-1/12$ to get further ones.

Anyways, I don't understand why $c_0$ is $0$ and $c_1$ is $10/12$

See, I transformed the left side $\frac{10 x}{12 + x}$ into:

$$\frac{10}{12}\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}(-1/12)^n x^{n+1} )$$

Now, when I substitute in $0$ for $n$ (for $c_0$), the coefficient I get is $(10/12) \times 1$, or $10/12$. So why isn't $c_0=10/12$?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

Hint $\rm\displaystyle\,\ \ \frac{1}{c-x}\ =\ \frac{1}c\ \frac{1}{1-x/c}\,.\, $ Now apply the formula for the geometric series to the latter.

Thus $\rm\displaystyle\,\ \frac{10\:x}{12+x}\ =\ \frac{10\,x}{12}\ \frac{1}{1-(-x/12)}\ =\ \frac{5\,x}6\ (1 - \frac{x}{12} + \frac{x^2}{144} - \:\cdots\:)$