[Math] How to find the angle between this vector and the x-axis


Question:If $\vec{r}=3t\hat{i} + (4t-5t^2)\hat{j}$, find the angle between $\vec{r}$ and the x-axis?

My attempt: Let the angle between $\vec{r}$ and the x-axis be $\theta$

$\vec{r}.\hat{i}=r\cdot i\cdot \cos(\theta)$

$\vec{r}.\hat{i}=r_x \cdot i_x+r_y \cdot i_y$

Therefore, $r\cdot i \cdot \cos(\theta)=r_x\cdot i_x+r_y \cdot i_y$

$\cos(\theta)=\frac{r_x \cdot i_x+r_y \cdot i_y}{r \cdot i}$

$\cos(\theta)=\frac{r_x \cdot i_x}{r*i}$








My problem: I am unable to simplify it further. Please help.

Best Answer

As noted already, the angle $\theta$ satisfies $\displaystyle\tan \theta = \frac{4t-5t^2}{3t}=\frac{4-5t}{3}\,$, and therefore $\theta$ depends on $t\,$. Consider for example:

  • $\displaystyle \;t=\frac{4}{5}\;$: $\displaystyle\;\;\;\;\vec{r}=\frac{12}{5}\hat{i} \;\;\implies\;\; \theta = 0$

  • $\displaystyle \;t=\frac{1}{5}\;$: $\displaystyle\;\;\;\;\vec{r}=\frac{3}{5}\hat{i} + \frac{3}{5}\hat{j} \;\;\implies\;\; \theta = \frac{\pi}{4}$

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