[Math] How to find the 3 fastest horses


There are $25$ horses. You can take $5$ horses at a time and race them. Each horse always finishes the race in the same amount of time, and there are no ties. The only information you get from each race is the order that the $5$ horses finished in. What is the smallest number of races you need to find the $3$ fastest horses, in order?

I found this problem on Brainy Miscellany and cannot figure out the best answer. Please help.

Best Answer

First let's show that it's possible to do this in $7$ races.

Group the $25$ horses into $5$ groups of $5$ and race them. The 4th and 5th place horses of each race cannot possibly be one of the three fastest. We are left with $15$ horses.

Let us label these remaining horses, using a $6$th race to help us. Race the fastest horse from each of the first $5$ races, and then label the races from $a$ to $e$ based on the finishing position of the corresponding fastest horse, with the horse from race $a$ being the fastest. Let $h_n$ represent a horse in race $h$, finishing in $n$th place.

Clearly, horse $a_1$ is the fastest horse of all. We also know that $a_1$ beat $a_2$ and $b_1$. No other horse can possibly be in overall position $2$ because one of these horses finishes between them. $a_2$ beats $a_3$, and $b_1$ beats $b_2$ and $b_3$, as well as every horse in races $c$ through $e$.

Similarly, the only horses that can be in overall position $3$ are $a_2$, $a_3$, $b_1$, $b_2$, and $c_1$. These are the horses that could possibly have no horses in between it and position $2$.

All we have to do left is race those $5$ ($a_2$, $a_3$, $b_1$, $b_2$, and $c_1$) and you'll have the fastest three.

Now let's prove that $7$ races is optimal.

Using the same idea, we can draw a directed graphs to represent these races and relations. The circles or nodes are horses, and the directed paths represent one horse being faster than another. Here would be what one race would look like, with the fastest horse on the left:

$$ \circ\rightarrow\circ\rightarrow\circ\rightarrow\circ\rightarrow\circ $$

So basically, what we want to end up with to find the three fastest horses is a parent node and a total of at most $5$ children with a depth of $2$ from this parent, with all of the other nodes being under $5$ children. We need a race to compare these $5$ children, and the other races to set up the graph. Each race will place $4$ horses, as the fastest horse needs to be a horse that has already raced in order to be compared. The only exception is the first race, which can place $5$. $\lceil 24/4 \rceil = 6$, and we add that to our check race to show that the best possible solution is $7$ races, and it can in fact be attained.

EDIT: I fixed the errors hopefully. I'll continue to fix the proof as needed.