[Math] How to find speed with friction


You testify as an expert witness in a case involving an accident in which car A slid into the rear of car B, which was stopped at a red light along a road headed down a hill. You find that the slope of the hill is θ = 14.5°, that the cars were separated by distance d = 22.0 m when the driver of car A put the car into a slide (it lacked any automatic anti-brake-lock system), and that the speed of car A at the onset of braking was v0 = 18.5 m/s.

(a) With what speed did car A hit car B if the coefficient of kinetic friction was 0.60 (dry road surface)?

(b) What was the speed if the coefficient of kinetic friction was 0.10 (road surface covered with wet leaves)?

How can this be solved? The book says , a = g sin angle – coefficient cos angle = a negative numver. But when I try it, the number is positive…

Best Answer

Let the $x$ axis be along the road, downwards and let the $y$ axis be perpendicular to the road upwards. Projection of gravitational acceleration on the x-axis is $g\sin{\theta}$ and $-g\cos{\theta}$ on the y-axis. Friction is along the negative $x$ axis and is $F_{xf}=-\gamma{v_{x}}$. Newton along $x$ is $$\dot{v}_{x}=g\sin{\theta}-\frac{\gamma}{m}{v_{x}}$$ the solution is $${v_{x}}(t)=\frac{mg}{\gamma}\sin{\theta}-\frac{mc}{\gamma}e^{-\frac{\gamma}{m}t}$$ At $t=0$ the speed was $v_{0x}$, so $$c=g\sin{\theta}-\frac{\gamma}{m}v_{0x}$$ And the solution with initial conditions is $${v_{x}}(t)=(1-e^{-\frac{\gamma}{m}t})\frac{mg}{\gamma}\sin{\theta}+v_{0x}e^{-\frac{\gamma}{m}t}$$ Use your numbers and calculate

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