[Math] How to find Pr(A,B,C)? (Probability of Intersection of three circles)

probabilityprobability theory

Can someone please help to find the intersection of three circles given following conditions:
$$n|A\cup B\cup C|=750$$
$$|A\cap B|=121$$
$$|A\cap C|=115$$
$$|B\cap C|=105$$
All three events are basically three intersecting circles.
So far I got this:
$ P(A∩B∩C)=P(A)P(B│A)P(C│A,B)$
Calculating it one at a time I come to:
$$P(B│A)=P(A∩B)/P(A) =121/412=0.2937$$
$$P(C│A,B)=P(C│A)∩P(C│B)=P(C∩A)/P(A) ∩P(C∩B)/(P(B))$$
And this is where I'm stuck.

Using Chain Rule I have this expression: $P(A∩B∩C)=P(C│A∩B)*P(B│A)*P(A)$
But I can't see how to calculate $P(C│A,B)$.
Can some one please explain?

Best Answer

An answer without using the inclusion exclusion principle.

enter image description here

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