[Math] How to find polynomial functions 3rd degree with no, one, two, three zeros(roots)

linear algebrapolynomialsroots

I must find 3rd degree Polynomial functions in R[x] with:

1) no roots

2) only one root

3) only two roots

4) only 3 roots

If the function has a root, then prove it. If not, then explain why.

My attempt:

We know, that the cubic function can have one, two or three roots.
But I really don't know, how I can find the polynomial functions.

1) Explanation

A 3rd polynomial function can not have no root because a polynomial function have at least one root. (Continous function)

Best Answer

Hint: make them in a standard form as $(x-x_1)(x-x_2)(x-x_3)$ where $x_1,x_2,x_3$ are the roots. For example for the case where we have $2$ zero roots we have $$x_1=x_2=0$$and choosing $x_3=1$ arbitrarily we obtain$$f(x)=x^2(x-1)$$