[Math] How to find minimal perimeter of a triangle.


I have area A and length of the base s.
I need to describe a triangle minimal perimeter using this information.
from given equation I can find height.
and final equation will look like this enter image description here
Since my perimeter is equal to
$ s + \sqrt{x^2 + h^2} + \sqrt{(x – s)^2 + h^2} $
problem is to change orthocenter of h (x) in order to minimize equation above?
How do I do that?

Best Answer

If I understand the problem correctly, both $s$ and $h$ are fixed, and you want to choose $x$ so that $p(x)=s + \sqrt{x^2 + h^2} + \sqrt{(s-x)^2 + h^2}$ is minimized. Note that $x$ can be negative, in which case one of the base angles is obtuse.

Computing $p'(x)$ and simplifying gives a fraction whose numerator is $$ (x-s)\sqrt{h^2+x^2}+x \sqrt{h^2+(s-x)^2}.$$ Set equal to zero and solve for $x$, giving $x=\frac{s}{2}$. Thus the minimal-perimeter triangle is isosceles on its base $s$.