[Math] How to find if the probability of the sample proportion is greater than something

probability distributionsstatistics

I have this problem and I have no clue how to solve it.
In 2012, 31% of the adult population in the US had earned a bachelor’s degree or higher. One hundred people are randomly sampled from the population. What is the probability that the
sample proportion p-hat is greater than 0.40?

Best Answer

DeepSea's answer is a pretty standard way to do this. But it's important to remember, that treating $\hat p$ as Normally distributed is an approximation (albeit a quite good one most of the time).

If you wanted to have a more "exact" answer, you could use the Binomial distribution.

Let $Y$ be the number of people in the sample who have earned a Bachelors or higher. Then $Y \sim Binom(100, 0.31)$ and $\hat P = \frac{Y}{n}$. Therefore:

\begin{equation} P(\hat p > .40) = P(Y > 40) = 1 - F_Y(40) = 0.0218 \end{equation}

Notice that DeepSea's answer gives a good approximation. But this is answer is more "exact".