[Math] How to find a polynomial from a given root


I was asked to find a polynomial with integer coefficients from a given root/solution.
Lets say for example that the root is: $\sqrt{5} + \sqrt{7}$.

  1. How do I go about finding a polynomial that has this number as a root?
  2. Is there a specific way of finding a polynomial with integer coefficients?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Best Answer

One can start from the equation $x=\sqrt5+\sqrt7$ and try to get rid of the square roots one at a time. For example, $x-\sqrt5=\sqrt7$, squaring yields $(x-\sqrt5)^2=7$, developing the square yields $x^2-2=2x\sqrt5$, and squaring again yields $(x^2-2)^2=20x^2$, that is, $x^4-24x^2+4=0$.

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