[Math] How to find a maximum matching in this graph

graph theorymatching-theory

Let's consider this graph:

enter image description here

Now I take a matching M that only contains the edge 1. Clearly this matching is not maximum, because I can take the edge 3, so given that:

We can easily notice that if there exists an augmenting path p with
respect to M, then M is not maximum.

I should find an augmenting path w.r.t M. Looking at the definition for a matching M:

An augmenting path is an alternating path that starts from and ends on
free vertices.


an alternating path is a path in which the edges belong alternatively
to the matching and not to the matching,

What I don't get is how to build such a path given my matching? My only possibilites are:

  • start from the top vertex of the edge 2
  • start from the right vertex of the edge 5
  • start from the bottom vertex of the edge 4

Now from there I take the edge 2 or 4 or 5, then I take the edge 1 and then I cannot go further.

So is the first quote a one-way implication (so if M is not a maximum matching then I don't always find an augmenting path)? Or did I misunderstood how to build my augmenting path?

Best Answer

The algorithm you're looking for is called the Hungarian Maximum Matching Algorithm, and it works for any bipartite graph, for which it always gives the largest-size matching. More detailed info can be found on this Wolfram MathWorld page and this link has a neat visualisation of how the algorithm works.